
Daily oral pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) adherence is challenging. We explored African adolescent girls and young women's (AGYW) perceptions of the social influencers of their PrEP use and the social influencers' PrEP knowledge and support (six focus group discussions; 33 South African and Kenyan AGYW) in the Prevention Options for Women Evaluation Research demonstration project. Participants completed a social mapping exercise indicating strength and direction of influence of members in their social networks. Mothers and counselors were identified as positive influencers and most influential by >50% of participants, sex partners were labeled negative influencers or both positive and negative, and best friends were mostly positive influencers. HIV- and PrEP-related stigma were the major reasons influencers were identified as negative. Participants wanted their social networks to be better educated about PrEP by someone other than the AGYW themselves (e.g., clinic staff) and to support their PrEP use. To improve PrEP adherence, community- and peer-based PrEP sensitization and delivery interventions should be evaluated.

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