
The US Food and Drug Agency (FDA) requires clinical trials targeting cognitive impairment associated with schizophrenia (CIAS) to demonstrate the functional relevance of cognitive improvements by employing a functional co-primary measure. Although quantitative evidence supports the suitability of the Virtual Reality Functional Capacity Assessment Tool (VRFCAT) for this purpose, FDA guidelines for qualification of clinical outcome assessments require evidence of content validity, defined as qualitative evidence that key stakeholders view the measure as relevant and important. To collect this important qualitative data, semi-structured interviews were conducted with outpatients with schizophrenia (n = 24), caregivers (n = 12), and professional peer support specialists (n = 12) to elicit their views about the definition and importance of functional independence, the importance of the functional domains assessed by the VRFCAT (meal planning, using transportation, handling money, shopping), and the relevance of the VRFCAT tasks to these domains. Qualitative thematic analyses revealed consistent themes across groups in defining functional independence, including performing instrumental self-care, financial, and social tasks; making decisions autonomously; and not depending on others to carry out daily activities. There were, however, notable differences in their views regarding the importance of and barriers to functional independence. All groups viewed the VRFCAT as assessing skill domains that are central to independent functioning and, with some minor differences, the VRFCAT tasks were viewed as relevant and meaningful examples of the domains. These qualitative results provide converging evidence that key stakeholders view the VRFCAT as a content-valid measure.

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