
PUVA-bath therapy has proven to avoid many side effects associated with oral 8-methoxypsoralen (8-MOP) treatment. In order to investigate the effectiveness of topical PUVA-bath therapy (PUVA-soak therapy) on chronic palmoplantar dermatoses, 30 patients with plaque-type psoriasis, pustular psoriasis, endogenous eczema, dyshidrotic eczema and hyperkeratotic dermatitis of the palms and soles were treated over 8 weeks with PUVA-soak using 8-MOP. No additional treatment except skin moisturising cream such as unguentum emulsificans aquosum was used during the study period. The single UVA-doses applied ranged from 0.3 to 3.0 J/cm2 (mean single dose of 1.8 J/cm2), with a mean cumulative dose of 48.6 J/cm2 per patient. Altogether 26 of 30 patients responded well within 8 weeks of treatment with 63% of all patients showing a complete remission and 23% showing considerable improvement, as shown by flattening of plaques, decreased scaling and erythema, as well as decreased vesicle and pustule formation. The condition responding best to our therapy was palmoplantar psoriasis followed by atopic eczema. Hyperkeratotic dermatitis displayed the poorest responding rates in this study. Unwanted side effects such as erythema, pain, blistering or patchy hyperpigmentation were not observed in any of the patients. We conclude that PUVA-soak therapy can be highly efficient in the treatment of palmoplantar dermatoses, especially in the management of palmoplantar psoriasis.

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