
An ll-year-old girl noticed several asymptomatic spots on her abdomen. The eruption spread to the remainder of her trunk and proximal extremities during the next 3 weeks. Physical examination revealed multiple, nonscaling petechiae and ecchymoses oriented along Langer's lines on the neck, trunk, and proximal extremities. Complete blood cell count, prothrombin time, partial thromboplastin! time, 16-variable automated chemistry panel and urinalysis were all normal. Antinuclear antibody, rapid plasma reagin, rickettsial profile, and streptococcal antibody titers were unremarkable. A skin biopsy specimen demonstrated a superficial and mid-dermal perivascular mononuclear cell infiltrate with erythrocyte extravasation, No foci of parakeratosis or spongiosis were seen, and there was no evidence ofvascu-

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