
Many studies have discussed Nahdlatul Ulama regarding its moderation aspects, religious attitudes, political behavior, and the emergence of JIL (Jaringan Islam Liberal; Liberal Islam Network). However, there has been no comprehensive research on NUGL (Nahdlatul Ulama Garis Lurus; Nahdlatul Ulama of Straight Line). This research is important to explain the internal religious dynamics among the followers of Nahdlatul Ulama. This research focuses on the da'wah of KH. Luthfi Bashori (leader of NUGL) and Aswaja purification movement of NUGL. This study concludes that the da'wah of KH. Lutfi Bashori is in accordance with the Islamic guidelines of da'wah. His da'wah aims is spreading the religion of Islam, especially Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama'ah as exemplified by KH. Muhammad Hasyim Asy'ari (the founder of Nahdlatul Ulama), and at the same time fortifying Muslims who belong to the Aswaja school of thought from all dangers that threaten Aswaja's faith, such as secularism, pluralism, liberalism, Shia, and Wahhabism. The NUGL da'wah method varies and covers sharia, creed, and morals materials based on the Qur'an and the Prophet tradition. Although this purification received a positive response from the Islamic society, there are some people who do not agree with the da'wah style of NUGL.

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