
A method for the simultaneous purification of luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) from equine pituitaries is briefly described. Different forms of each hormone were obtained. The total yield of LH was 24.2 mg·kg −1 with a recovery of 22% and the yield of FSH was 26 mg·kg −1 with a recovery of 34%. The specific activities of both hormones, measured in homologous equine radio-receptor assays are equal to or higher than those of the preparations described so far. In all species studied so far the acid-dissociation curves of LH and FSH are similar; this is an agreement with the view that the binding of the common α-subunit and the specific β-subunits involves polypeptide regions which are identical in both hormones. In contrast, the acid-dissociation p K a of equine LH was found to be considerably lower (3.9) than that of equine FSH (5.8). The equine gonadotropins exhibit a much lower specificity with receptors of a porcine testicular fraction compared with an equine fraction. Equine LH exhibited a binding activity on FSH receptors from a porcine testicular fraction equal to 20% that of equine FSH instead of only 1% for an equine binding fraction. Similarly, all the equine FSH preparations tested exhibited a five-fold higher binding-activity on porcine LH receptors than on equine LH receptors. In the porcine system, pregnant mare serum gonadotropin behaved like equine LH towards LH and FSH receptors. In contrast, on equine binding fraction, pregnant mare serum gonadotropin was only 4% as active as equine LH and was devoid of FSH activity. All the data we have obtained are consistent with the ‘negative specificity’ model we proposed recently.

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