
Bovine pancreatic asparagine synthetase has been partially purified using ammonium sulfate fractionation, DEAE ion-exchange, Cibacron Blue affinity chromatography, and HPLC anion-exchange chromatography to a specific activity of 170 nmol asparagine produced min −1 mg protein −1, or 1400-fold, from a crude homogenate. Using HPLC size exclusion chromatography, an apparent molecular weight of 110,000–120,000 was determined. An aspartyl-adenylate intermediate was found to occur by demonstrating an 18O transfer from [ 18O]Asp to AMP that was detected with 31P NMR. A number of divalent metals were found to be able to replace magnesium with retention of activity, but none produced as high an activity as Mg 2+, and the stoichiometry of the ATP Mg 2+ ratio was found to be 1. The chloride ion was found to stimulate the glutamine-dependent and glutaminase reactions, but the ammonia-dependent reaction was inhibited. Chloride appeared to be a competitive inhibitor with respect to ammonia and produced negative cooperativity.

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