
Кантария Р.О., Ватазин А.В., Зулькарнаев А.Б., Степанов В.А. Туберкулез легких и кишечника у реципиента почечного трансплантата. Трансплантология. 2019;11(2):141–149. https://orcid.org/10.23873/2074-0506-2019-11-2-141-149


  • “Pulmonary and intestinal tuberculosis in a kidney transplant recipient”, about the paper by the authors R.O. Kantariya, A.V. Vatazin, A.B. Zulkarnayev, V.A. Stepanov from Moscow Regional Research and Clinical Institute n.a. M.F. Vladimirskiy, Moscow, Russia, published in Transplantologiya Journal No 2, 2019

  • Prof., Dr Med. Sci., Head of Department of Kidney Transplantation at Petrovsky National Research Centre of Surgery, 2 Abrikosovskiy Ln., Moscow 119991 Russia, e-mail: kaabak@hotmail.com

  • БЦЖ – (BCG – Bacillus Calmette–Guerin) вакцина против туберкулеза

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“Pulmonary and intestinal tuberculosis in a kidney transplant recipient”, about the paper by the authors R.O. Kantariya, A.V. Vatazin, A.B. Zulkarnayev, V.A. Stepanov from Moscow Regional Research and Clinical Institute n.a. M.F. Vladimirskiy, Moscow, Russia, published in Transplantologiya Journal No 2, 2019 Prof., Dr Med. Sci., Head of Department of Kidney Transplantation at Petrovsky National Research Centre of Surgery, 2 Abrikosovskiy Ln., Moscow 119991 Russia, e-mail: kaabak@hotmail.com БЦЖ – (BCG – Bacillus Calmette–Guerin) вакцина против туберкулеза В работе «Туберкулез легких и кишечника у реципиента почечного трансплантата» представлен пример успешного лечения инвазивного туберкулеза легких и кишечника у пациента после трансплантации почки.

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