
The role that business plays in the life of modern Ukrainian society could not but attract close attention from the scientific community and, above all, representatives of the sciences of public administration. This topic has become especially relevant with the intensification of Ukraine’s participation in globalization processes and the need to strengthen the role of the state in the socio-economic life of society. 
 The most widespread European concepts of the state governance of power and business interaction have been studied in the article, in particular corporatism, pluralism, instrumentalism, etc. An analysis of the peculiarities of the interaction between the power and business in Ukraine has been conducted on their basis. Various theoretical and methodological approaches to the study of business as a political actor have been considered. Groups of interests and pressure groups are the types of protectionist groups that influence the actions of modern governments both in Europe and in Ukraine. 
 The society consists of a large number of such groups of interests and pressure groups, which represent all significant interests of the population and compete for the influence over the state power. This competition takes place within the framework of the cross-sectoral partnership, that is, the consensus reached on the basic foundations of the economic and political system and the permissible level of conflict. In developed democracies, competition between groups and between sectors of society ensures a situation in which none of the groups dominates and the balance of interests is kept. This balance plays a crucial role for the stability of the existing social system. 
 The author has come to the conclusion that among the concepts of the interaction of power and business, which had been studied in the article, the liberal corporatism is the most acceptable for Ukrainian realities. Understanding the state as a separate corporation, which has its own, different from the business structures and civil society’s interests, but which builds partnership relations with them, provides opportunities for a more detailed analysis of the organizational forms of the interaction between the authorities and business, the peculiarities of the state administration in this sphere, and in addition takes into account the tendencies of globalization, which impose their restrictions on this interaction.


  • The most widespread European concepts of the state governance of power and business interaction have been studied in the article, in particular corporatism, pluralism, instrumentalism, etc

  • The society consists of a large number of such groups of interests and pressure groups, which represent all significant interests of the population and compete for the influence over the state power

  • The author has come to the conclusion that among the concepts of the interaction of power and business, which had been studied in the article, the liberal corporatism is the most acceptable for Ukrainian realities

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The most widespread European concepts of the state governance of power and business interaction have been studied in the article, in particular corporatism, pluralism, instrumentalism, etc. The society consists of a large number of such groups of interests and pressure groups, which represent all significant interests of the population and compete for the influence over the state power. This competition takes place within the framework of the cross-sectoral partnership, that is, the consensus reached on the basic foundations of the economic and political system and the permissible level of conflict. У статті розглянуто найбільш поширені в Європі концепції державного управління взаємодією влади та бізнесу, зокрема корпоратизм, плюралізм, інструменталізм тощо. Групи інтересів та групи тиску є різновидами протекціоністських груп, які впливають на дії сучасної влади, як в Європі, так і в Україні. У країнах розвиненої демократії конкуренція між www.aspects.org.ua

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