
Aim. The presented study aims to identify, systematize, and describe the specific features of public administration of business activity in the interests of creating and improving innovation climate, which ensures the acceleration of innovative development of the Russian economy under modern conditions.Tasks. The authors explore the essence of the current stage in the development of the innovative economy and the shift towards a post-industrial society in Russia; determine the nature of the influence of public administration tools and market self-regulation on the development of innovation climate; form and describe system units that determine the effectiveness of public administration of business activity and stimulation of its innovative activity; identify trends and specific aspects of management tasks in the field of the government’s influence on the level of innovation susceptibility of a wide range of economic entities.Methods. This study uses general scientific research methods (logical and systems approaches), expert assessments, and methods of strategic and situational analysis to establish cause-andeffect relationships, as well as generalization and description of the obtained results.Results. The proposals made by the authors substantiate the modernization of macro-, meso-, and sectoral policies in the field of innovation climate development based on improving business activity and stimulating interest in using innovation as a development tool. The ambiguity of the modern competition mechanism in the market of innovations and innovative products is observed due to the scale and direction of the business, which implies the transformation of the public administration system, especially in the field of antimonopoly regulation. Requirements to national policy in the field of science and education with regard to the search for an effective relationship between the development of fundamental and applied science to ensure the quality of economic growth and achieve economic and other types of security are clarified. The need to modernize development institutions and innovation infrastructure under modern conditions characterized by regionalization and the formation of economic block structures is confirmed.

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