
In the shape of its pinnae A. mixtumn is truly intermediate, for whereas in A. platyneuron these are linear to linear-oblong or elliptical from a cordate, auriculate or subhastate base, which overlies the rachis (often widely so), and in A. Trichomranes are roundish-oval or oblong from a narrowly cuneate base, in the hybrid they are triangular, with a truncate or very bluntly cuneate base, which merely lies close to the rachis. Also the margins are evenly denticulate, being thus intermediate between the undulate-crenate or lightly bicrenate margins of A. Trichomanes and the serrate, biserrate, or variously incised condition shown by A. platyneuron. Furthermore, although the indusia are ample and perfectly formed, the fronds having been collected at the season of normal maturity, the sporangia are very few, nevertheless, and are apparently abortive. The hybrid origin of A. inixtunz seems to me beyond question. WASHINGTON, D. C.

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