
DROBABLY no other group in America Fhas been studied more in the past few years than the aging. In an effort to understand our nearly 18 million older Americans, we have looked at their health, their housing, their employment, their happiness, and their habits. Additional research is constantly being started and more will follow as the importance of this group's needs is recognized. We know that millions of our older Americans enjoy relatively good health and many can be almost as active as they were when they were years younger. However, we also know that according to the President's Council on Aging: than 12 million have at least one chronic condition such as high blood pressure, arthritis, diabetes, heart disease, or mental disorder. More than half of those with a chronic ailment have some limitations on their activities. More than 800,000 older people are in institutions. About 1,250,000 elderly people are invalids who, though not in institutions are unable to get along without help from others.' Many of this latter group of aged people require home care service from public health nurses. Numerous surveys and the experience of the Visiting Nurse Service of New York (VNSNY) indi-

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