
In the context of socio-psychological problems of the person’s way of life, the image of the future of modern young people is revealed. The solution to this problem involves the anticipation and understanding of the youth of their own prospects in the personal and social dimensions of self-realization. The content, structural and dynamic characteristics of the image of the future in modern youth in the context of social changes are characterized. The concept of “image of the future” can act as a separate psychological category in the context of research on the temporal perspective of an individual. The image of the future is a structural element of the psychological time of a person, which is a generalized visualization of the model of its own future, is the result of the anticipation of the future by it (its close, medium and longterm perspective). Its main functions are anticipation of the future, construction of the future; conceptualizing the time perspective of one’s own life; regulation of activities and their hierarchy is axiochronological. The image of the future directly affects the processes of goal-setting and is associated with such entities as dreams, goals and life programs and personal plans. The specificity of the image of the future at a young age lies in the fact that: • the reflexive level of personality and regular planning of events allow to describe in enough detail their imaginary future, as well as effectively operate with a time perspective; • the speed of time is not sufficiently understood: the time margin for the implementation of all desires and plans seems great; • the problem of the image of the future in adolescence is its emotional coloring. The lack of realization of one’s potential, self-doubt leads to doubts and negative emotional color of the image of the future (fear of the future, pessimism, etc.). In the context of the life journey of experiencing the future as a problem, individuals need first and foremost for development: a person should always have some degree of doubt about the possibility of realizing significant events in the future. We believe that this experience performs an active-adaptive function. However, if the experience of the future as a problem goes beyond the norm, then the young men need help, since a high degree of experience of the future as a problem negatively affects the life self-determination of young people. These issues require the use of psycho-consultation and psycho-correction efforts in order to optimize the confident perception by modern young people of their future and their successful self-realization.

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