
the purpose of our research is to propose psychological factors of class-room facilitative management at secondary schools.methods of the research. The following theoretical methods of the research were used to solve the tasks formulated in the article: the categorical method, structural and functional methods, the methods of the analysis, systematization, modeling, generalization. Also in our research the statement experiment was used as an empirical method.the results of the research. We’ll identify the principles that should guide the teacher, who seeks to humanize interpersonal relationships with pupils: 1) from the very beginning and during the whole learning process the teacher needs to show the children his/her trust in them, in their personality; 2) pupils should be assisted in formulating and clarifying the goals and objectives that are formulated both for micro-groups and for each pupil individually; 3) we must always assume that pupils have an intrinsic motivation for the learning process; 4) the teacher should be a source of personal experience for pupils, which can always “be turned to” for the help of other people, be faced with difficulties in solving a problem; 5) it is important that this role is performed by the teacher in relations to each pupil; 6) the teacher should strive to develop the ability to feel the emotional mood of the micro-group and understand it; 7) we should strive to achieve empathic relationships that allow us to understand the feelings and the experiences of everyone; 8) the micro-group should actively demonstrate their feelings; 9) it is necessary to be an active participant in group facilitative interaction.conclusions. As a result of comparative studies, which in total surveyed 57 teachers and 92 pupils, we compared different performance indicators of teac-hers who had the ability to facilitate learning at different levels. The analysis of he behavior of pupils in the classes of teachers-facilitators showed that pupils were more proactive in the process of communication, they asked a lot of ques-tions. Pupils spend more time solving learning tasks and problems, show higher levels of cognitive functioning. Pupils are also less likely to miss classes, demon-strate higher academic achievements in all disciplines, steadily increase their IQ and creativity throughout the school year.

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