
First part of this review (Chapter 1) demonstrates an ambiguous attitude toward psychiatry among professionals and in society in recent decades. The articles of supporters and opponents of psychiatry are also quoted. The authors describe the dynamics of the reflection of psychopathology in the main widely accepted classifications and manuals. Critical and negative opinions regarding the DSM-5, due to its role in the 'medicalization' processes, for the movement 'World Mental Health', are mentioned. The history of antipsychiatry movement and its results for psychiatry and society are analyzed as well. An analysis of the articles on the scientific basis of psychiatry and its intersections with other sciences is presented. Several examples of studies on brain networks in correlation with clinical data, which may have possible implications for the future, are quoted. The authors call for the 'cure for dichotomy' between mind and brain before treatment of the patient. According to the analysis of available data, this problem seems too hard to be solved, as it requires theological knowledge, of which we probably have not enough knowledge.

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