
Abstract Our objective was to evaluate the effects of different vitamin concentrations on growth performance of wean-to-finish pigs under commercial conditions. A total of 900 barrows and gilts (PIC337×Camborough; initially 5.34±0.13 kg) were used in a 136-d growth trial with 25 pigs per pen and 12 pens per treatment in a randomized complete block design. Experimental diets were fed in 3 phases during nursery (5-6, 6-13, and 13-26 kg) and 5 phases during grow-finish (26-44, 44-65, 65-87, 87-108, and 108-128 kg). Dietary treatments consisted of: 1) NRC: vitamin concentrations following NRC (2012) recommendations; 2) PIC: vitamin concentrations following PIC (2016) recommendations; 3) Low-PIC: vitamin concentrations that ranged from 0 to 91% of PIC recommendations. Data were analyzed using the GLIMMIX procedure of SAS with pen as the experimental unit. During the nursery period, pigs fed PIC and Low-PIC diets had greater (P< 0.05) average daily feed intake (ADFI) compared to pigs fed NRC diets. There was no evidence (P >0.10) for differences in average daily gain (ADG) and feed efficiency (G:F). During the grow-finish period, there was no evidence (P >0.10) for differences in growth performance. During the overall wean-to-finish period, pigs fed PIC diets had lower (P< 0.05) ADG and final body weight compared to pigs fed NRC and Low-PIC diets. There was no evidence (P >0.10) for differences in ADFI or G:F. Pigs fed PIC diets had the greatest serum vitamin D3 at the end of nursery and finish periods (P< 0.05) and the greatest serum Vitamin E at the end of nursery period (P< 0.05). In summary, pigs fed PIC and Low-PIC diets had greater nursery feed intake and serum vitamin E and D3 concentrations compared to pigs fed NRC diets. Data from this study have demonstrated that pigs fed diets with reduced vitamin concentrations compared to PIC (2016) recommendations had improved wean-to-finish growth rate.

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