
Pseudotachylite veins have been found in the mylonite zone of the Hidaka metamorphic belt, Hokkaido, northern Japan. They are associated with faults with WNW‐ESE to ENE‐WSW or NE‐SW trends which make a conjugate set, cutting foliations of the host mylonitic rocks with high obliquity. The mylonitic rocks comprise greenschist facies to prehnite‐pumpellyite facies mineral assemblages. The mode of occurrence of the pseudotachylite veins indicates that they were generated on surfaces of the faults and were intruded as injection veins along microfractures in the host rocks during brittle deformation in near‐surface environments. An analysis of the deformational and metamorphic history of the Hidaka Main Zone suggests that the ambient rock temperature was 200–300° C immediately before the formation of the Hidaka pseudotachylite.Three textural types of veins are distinguished: cryptocrystalline, microcrystalline and glassy. The cryptocrystalline or glassy type often occupies the marginal zones of the microcrystalline‐type veins. The microcrystalline type is largely made up of quench microlites of orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene, biotite, plagioclase and opaque minerals with small amounts of amphibole microlites. The interstices of these microlites are occupied by glassy and/or cryptocrystalline materials. The presence of microlites and glasses in the pseudotachylite veins suggests that the pseudotachylites are the products of rapid cooling of silicate melts at depths of less than 5 km.The bulk chemical composition of the pseudotachylite veins is characterized by low SiO2 and a high water content and is very close to that of the host mylonitic rocks. This indicates that the pseudotachylite was formed by virtual total melting of the host rocks with sufficient hydrous mineral phases. Local chemical variation in the glassy parts of the pseudotachylite veins may be due to either crystallization of quench microlites or the disequilibrium nature of melting of mineral fragments and incomplete mixing of the melts. Pyroxene microlites show a crystallization trend from hypersthene through pigeonite to subcalcic augite with unusually high Al contents. The presence of pigeonite and high‐Al pyroxene microlites, of hornblende and biotite microlites and rare plagioclase microlites may indicate the high temperature and high water content of the melt which formed the pseudotachylite veins. The melt temperatures were estimated to be up to 1100° C using a two‐pyroxene geothermometer. Using published data relating water solubilities in high‐temperature andesitic magmas to pressure, a depth estimate of about 4 km is inferred for the Hidaka pseudotachylites.Evidence derived from pseudotachylites in the Hidaka metamorphic belt supports the conclusion that pseudotachylite is formed by frictional melting along fault surfaces at shallow depths from rocks containing hydrous minerals.

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