
Laryngo-tracheal stenosis (LTS) is a relatively rare disease, caused usually by iatrogenic reasons (intubation, tracheotomy, radiotherapy and surgery of the larynx and trachea) or by trauma. However they may be caused by another rare diseases effecting the wall of the larynx and trachea (primary stenosis) or by compression of pathological process near by (secondary stenosis). Among the primary stenosis except iatrogenic and posttraumatic there are also: congenital, postinfective (tuberculosis, syphilis, scleroma, diphtheria, histoplasmosis and the other), in connective tissue diseases (Wegener's granulomatosis, relapsing polychondritis), in blister diseases (pemphigoid cicarticans, epidermolysis bullosa hereditaria), in amyloidosis, in sarcoidosis and tracheobronchopathia osteochondroplastica. Secondary stenosis may be effected by thyroid diseases, diseases of the big blood vessels of the thorax, hypertrophic thymus, enlargement of the lymph nodes near by the trachea, tumors and cysts of the neck and mediastinium, retrotracheal abscess and cold abscess in vertebral column tuberculosis. If the reason of stenosis is unknown, the stenosis is called idiopathic. In this publication basing on the literature review the reasons of LTS were described in details. We also present our clinical experience concerning 124 patients. The authors underline, that in most of patients the reason of LTS can be find after taking the history of a patient. However, in the cases, when the reason is not clear, a lot of specific examination should be done to find another rare reason, and only after exclusion it the diagnosis of idiopathic LTS can be established.

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