
The purpose of the proximate analysis is to evaluate the fuel characteristics of raw materials. Thus, this study aims to evaluate the proximate properties of the mixture of Leucaena leucocephala and Acacia mangium fuel pellets. The moisture analyser, mx-50 machine was used in the identification of moisture content (MC) in the samples. Meanwhile, volatile matter (VM) was analysed based on BS EN 15148:2009 standard. Ash content (AC) was obtained using BS EN 14775:2009 standard. On the other hand, fix carbon (FC) was obtained through the summation of percentage in all three (3) different values of moisture content, ash content and volatile matter subtracted from 100%. The average percentage of MC of bottom, middle and top portion are 3.85%, 1.93%, 2.99% respectively. Meanwhile, the average percentage of VM of the same portion is 82.88%, 83.85%, 83.22% respectively. The average percentage of AC with the same portion are 0.44%, 0.17%, 0.29% respectively. Last but not least, the average percentage of FC with the same portion are 12.94%, 14.06%, 14.62% respectively. Based on the results of proximate analysis above which are high in VM and FC and low in MC and AC contents, it can be concluded that the mixture of L. leucocephala and A. mangium fuel pellets has a very good potential to be utilised as solid fuel.

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