
Two non-conventional leafy vegetables namely Hibiscus cannabinus and Haematostaphis barteri consumed largely by the rural dwellers in Adamawa State of Nigeria were subjected to standard chemical analysis to determine proximate nutrient content, amino acid composition and anti-nutritional factors. The results of the proximate analysis showed high crude fibre in H. barteri (33.04%), H. cannabinus had percentage crude fibre (29.61%). The protein contents were relatively high in both vegetables (13.78 and 12.40%), respectively. Carbohydrate, lipid, ash and moisture contents were within the range of values expected for dry leafy vegetables. All the essential amino acids were present in good quantities in both vegetables. Only cysteine and methionine ranked below 50% in comparison to the WHO/ FAO reference protein. The anti-nutritional factors analysed in the vegetables namely, tannins, oxalates, and phytates were lower than the range of values reported for most vegetables.

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