
Medium- to coarse-grained sandstones of the Pyeongan Supergroup (Carboniferous to Early Permian) in Yeongweol coalfield, Korea are studied to infer provenance and tectonic settings. Detrital modes of the sandstones change upsection slightly: sandstones in the upper part contain more quartz grains and less lithic grains (sublitharenite to quartzarenite) compared with those in the lower part (litharenite to sublitharenite). According to the ternary diagrams of Dickinson (1985), the provenance of the Pyeongan Supergroup sediments is suggested to be a recycled orogen setting. The petrographic results of quartz grains are consistent with those of detrital grains in that they were derived from a low rank metamorphic source. The Pyeongan Supergroup in Yeongweol coalfield was probably deposited in the distal part of a molasse foreland basin in which sediments were derived from a syndepositional orogenic belt, probably the Akiyoshi orogeny located in southwest Japan.

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