
The pH dependence of proton uptake and electron transfers during the reaction between fully reduced cytochrome c oxidase and oxygen has been studied using the flow-flash method. Proton uptake was monitored using different pH indicators. We have also investigated the effect of D2O on the electron-transfer reactions. Proton uptake was biphasic throughout the pH range studied (6.3-9.3), and the decrease of the observed rate constants at increasing pH could be described by titration curves with pKa values of 8-8.5. Of the four phases resolved in the redox reaction, the rate constants for the first two were independent of pH, whereas that of the third decreased at increasing pH with a pKa of 7.9. All phases except the first were slower in D2O than in H2O. The values obtained for kH/kD were 1.0 for the first phase, 1.4 for the second and third phases, and 2.5 for the fourth phase. We suggest from these results that the fast phase of proton uptake is initiated by the second phase of the redox reaction and that this step includes a partially rate-limiting internal proton transfer. The third and fourth phases of the redox reaction are suggested to be rate limited by proton uptake from the medium. The pH dependencies of the proton uptake reactions are consistent with the participation of a titrable group in the protein in proton transfer from the medium to the oxygen-binding site.

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