
It is common to compare life with machines. Both consume fuel and release waste to run. In biology, the engine that drives the living system is referred to as metabolism. However, attempts at deciphering the origins of metabolism do not focus on this energetic relationship that sustains life but rather concentrate on nonenzymatic reactions that produce all the intermediates of an extant metabolic pathway. Such an approach is akin to studying the molecules produced from the burning of coal instead of deciphering how the released energy drives the movement of pistons and ultimately the train when investigating the mechanisms behind locomotion. Theories that do explicitly invoke geological chemical gradients to drive metabolism most frequently feature hydrothermal vent conditions, but hydrothermal vents are not the only regions of the early Earth that could have provided the fuel necessary to sustain the Earth's first (proto)cells. Here, we give examples of prior reports on protometabolism and highlight how more recent investigations of out-of-equilibrium systems may point to alternative scenarios more consistent with the majority of prebiotic chemistry data accumulated thus far.This article is part of the theme issue ‘Emergent phenomena in complex physical and socio-technical systems: from cells to societies’.

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