
Abundance values obtained from direct LC-MS analyses were used to compare the proteomes of six transposon-insertion mutants of Desulfovibrio desulfuricans G20, the lab strain (G20lab) and a sediment-adapted strain (G20sediment). Three mutations were in signal transduction histidine kinases, and three mutations were in other regulatory proteins. The high-throughput accurate mass and time (AMT) tag proteomic approach was utilized to analyze the proteomes. A total of 1318 proteins was identified with high confidence, approximately 35% of all predicted proteins in the D. desulfuricans G20 genome. Proteins from all functional categories were identified. Significant differences in the abundance of 30 proteins were detected between the G20lab strain and the G20sediment strain. Abundances of proteins for energy metabolism, ribosomal synthesis, membrane biosynthesis, transport, and flagellar synthesis were affected in the mutants. Specific examples of proteins down-regulated in mutants include a putative tungstate transport system substrate-binding protein and several proteins related to energy production, for example, 2-oxoacid:acceptor oxidoreductase, cytochrome c-553, and formate acetyltransferase. In addition, several signal transduction mechanism proteins were regulated in one mutant, and the abundances of ferritin and hybrid cluster protein were reduced in another mutant. However, the similar abundance of universal stress proteins, heat shock proteins, and chemotaxis proteins in the mutants revealed that regulation of chemotactic behavior and stress regulation might not be observed under our growth conditions. This study provides the first proteomic overview of several sediment fitness mutants of G20, and evidence for the difference between lab strains and sediment-adapted strains at the protein level.

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