
Axons from deep heterotopia do not extend through U-fibers, except transmantle dysplasias. Keratan sulfate (KS) in fetal spinal cord/brainstem median septum selectively repels glutamatergic axons while enabling GABAergic commissural axons. Immunocytochemical demonstration of KS in neocortical resections and forebrain at autopsy was studied in 12 fetuses and neonates 9-41 weeks gestational age (GA), 9 infants, children, and adolescents and 5 patients with focal cortical dysplasias (FCD1a). From 9 to 15 weeks GA, no KS is seen in the cortical plate; 19-week GA reactivity is detected in the molecular zone. By 28 weeks GA, patchy granulofilamentous reactivity appears in extracellular matrix and adheres to neuronal somata with increasing intensity in deep cortex and U-fibers at term. Perifascicular KS surrounds axonal bundles of both limbs of the internal capsule and within basal ganglia from 9 weeks GA. Thalamus and globus pallidus exhibit intense astrocytic reactivity from 9 weeks GA. In FCD1a, U-fiber reactivity is normal, discontinuous or radial. Ultrastructural correlates were not demonstrated; KS is not electron-dense. Proteoglycan barrier of the U-fiber layer impedes participation of deep heterotopia in cortical epileptic networks. Perifascicular KS prevents aberrant axonal exit from or entry into long and short tracts. KS adhesion to neuronal somatic membranes may explain inhibitory axosomatic synapses.

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