
Northern Nigeria is a Muslim dominated part of the country. Despite all the resources committed by the government in pursuit of achieving Zakat and Waqf noble objectives and different policies, embarked upon to combat poverty in the country, the realization remains a mirage in Northern Nigeria. The effectiveness of the various methods chosen in bringing about the changes has remained a question begging for answer. However, This paper, in an effort to explore opportunities, avenues and policies for making positive contributions to national development has posited that, through Zakah and Waqf every individual in the society is assured of minimum means of livelihood, The potential roles of two Islamic institutions; Zakat and Waqfin poverty eradication are herein discussed as well as how Islam uses them among others to achieve the goals. The paper attempts to define a new approach to poverty analysis and suggests a way to make the role of Zakat and Waqf more effective in the poverty reduction. The paper is analytical with presentation based on survey of relevant literature, with a view of adding to existing literature as well as synthesizing opposing views on the socio-economic role of Zakah and Waqf, also the process of their revitalization in the modern time. It concludes with other useful suggestions and recommendations for Nigerian Government and Muslims especially the Northern part.

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