
The purpose of community service program is to provide solutions as a concrete step in solving business problems. The object of community service is Pempek Embik, a micro-scale businesses managed by a husband and wife. The problem of Pempek Embik was the lack of business capital since entering the fasting of Ramadan 1439 H or the end of May 2018, where prices of raw materials to make pempek rise and not decline until now. Pempek Embik has stability sales and owners of business have never made a loan because fear, not being able to pay interest. PT. BPR (perseroda) has a product with name is a credit program without guarantees and without interest. This credit is program of the Mayor of Palembang city, Mr Harnojoyo, who is committed to maximizing the potential of SMEs. The procedure for proposing credits program were three stages, first stage of completing business licenses and business recommendations from Kelurahan, second phase of data verification and business surveys and the last stage was disbursing credit program in installments of IDR 250,000 each month without interest. Pempek Embik has five working days in a week or 20 working days in a month. Pempek Embik must save IDR 12,500 for each day. With consistent and working hard, this monthly installment will be easy to do.


  • (UMKM) sangat penting keberadaannya dalam Bahan-bahan baku membuat pempek seperti ikan perekonomian karena dapat menyerap tenaga tenggiri giling, ikan gabus giling, sagu tani kerja, meningkatkan jumlah unit usaha dan gunung, cabe rawit, telur ayam, gula merah dan mendukung pendapatan rumah tangga bawang putih

  • The object of community service is Pempek Embik, a micro-scale businesses managed by a husband and wife

  • The problem of Pempek Embik was the lack of business capital since entering the fasting of Ramadan 1439 H or the end of May 2018, where prices of raw materials to make pempek rise and not decline until now

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PENDAHULUAN dimana harga-harga bahan baku membuat

Peranan Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah pempek naik dan tidak turun lagi hingga saat ini. Mitra dari program pengabdian kepada mengembalikan bunga pinjaman dan kurangnya masyarakat ini juga memiliki masalah yaitu informasi mengenai lembaga atau pihak yang kurangnya modal usaha dagang dengan jenis dapat meminjamkan modal usaha yang mudah produk usaha yaitu pempek. Usaha ini termasuk usaha mikro karena penjualan didapat Rp 300.000,00 per hari dengan kuantitas produksi menggunakan ikan giling sekitar 4 kg per hari dan hanya mampu produksi menggunakan 2 kg ikan giling per hari setelah ada kenaikan bahan baku usaha. Dengan demikian permintaan terhadap produk Pempek Embik ini selalu ada, sehingga penjualan akan lancar dan wajar jika dibantu untuk mendapatkan pembiayaan modal usaha. Melalui sebuah bank salah satunya adalah Bank Perkreditan Rakyat Kota Palembang, mitra diberikan modal usaha tanpa adanya agunan (jaminan) dan bunga

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