
 Turbud (Operculina turpethum L.) belongs to the family Convolvulaceae, a potent and well-known medicinal herb, used in Unani system of medicine to treat several diseases. It is a large perennial twinner with milky juice. Roots are long, slender, fleshy, and much branched. In classical text it is mentioned that the Turbud which is white in colour, light weighted and having resin on both ends is of good quality. In Unani system of medicine, its main actions are expectorant and laxative and used in several diseases like arthritis, ascites, gout, hemiplegia etc. According to Ibn Sina use of Turbud along with zanjabeel is more effective. It has been used as an important component in many compound formulations such as Itrifal Ustu-khud’dus, Itrifal Zamani, Itrifal Muqil, Itrifal Mulaiyyin. The major chemical constituents present are turpethin, glucoside, jalapine, convolvulin etc. Operculina turpethum L. is validated for its different pharmacological actions like anti-inflammatory effect, and ulcer protective etc. The present review comprehensively embodied its phytochemical, pharmacological and pharmacognostic description.

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