
Various coatings have been developed and explored to protect bronze surfaces against the uncontrolled formation of different corrosion products when exposed to outdoor environments.In this research, the surfaces of artificially-formed oxidized bronze patinas (OB), consisting of Cu2O, were covered with either a single-component (fluoroacrylate, FA or methacryloxypropyl-trimethoxysilane, MS) or multi-component (a mixture of FA and MS, FA-MS) fluoropolymer coating and investigated. Variations in the concentration of each component in the coating were studied. Electrochemical tests were performed to determine the corrosion protection efficiency, followed by detailed surface analyses of the OBs, both uncoated and covered with single and multi-component coatings. A variety of investigative methods were used, including focused ion beam scanning electron microscopy (FIB-SEM), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), atomic force microscopy (AFM), and time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (ToF-SIMS).The coating made from a combination of FA and MS resulted in a very high protection efficiency. Despite the increased hydrophilicity of the single MS component, however, it was shown to efficiently protect the oxidized bronze surface. The FA-MS systems showed high hydrophobicity, but no improvement was measured in the efficiency of the corrosion protection when it was compared to the coating that contained 10% MS. According to XPS and ToF-SIMS imaging, the FA component of the FA-MS coating was not present only on the uppermost surface of the coating but throughout the whole coating, which could affect its corrosion protection efficiency.

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