
Welcome to the 21st century, where more devices are connected to the Internet than people on this earth. Each device will be or has been a target of cybercrime. The popularity of text-based cybercrimes has become prevalent with the advancement of the Internet. The number of cybercrimes increases yearly, unlike the reports of such crimes. The major problem is the lack of awareness and protection from cybercrimes. These issues cascade into greater consequences, such as a shortfall of reports, deficiency of cybercrime data, etc. The DFClaaS system is proposed as a solution; it allows users to report text-based cybercrimes anonymously. Next, several NLP techniques are applied to such reports to comprehend text-based cybercrimes as a language, and once the usage of the language is detected, an investigation proceeds. Subscribed users are individuals or businesses that are in some regard connected to the Internet. The DFClaaS system aims to protect its users from text-based cybercrimes and provide digital forensic investigators resources to conduct a successful investigation, enriching digital forensics research. The system is a feature-rich digital forensics readiness tool that will track the aggressive advancements of text-based cybercrimes, thus serving and protecting its users.

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