
Application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs) are commonly used to efficiently process the signals from sensors and detectors in space. Wire bonding is a space-qualified technique of making interconnections between ASICs and their substrate packaging board for power, control, and readout of the ASICs. Wire bonding is nearly ubiquitous in modern space programs, but their exposed wires can be prone to damage during assembly and subject to electric interference during operations. Additional space around the ASICs needed for wire bonding also impedes efficient packaging of large arrays of detectors. Here, we introduce the through silicon vias (TSV) technology that replaces wire bonds and eliminates their shortcomings. We have successfully demonstrated the feasibility of implementing TSVs to existing ASIC wafers (a.k.a. a via-last process) developed for processing the x-ray signals from the x-ray imaging CdZnTe detectors on the Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array small explorer telescope mission that was launched in 2012. While TSVs are common in the semiconductor industry, this is the first (to our knowledge) successful application for astrophysics imaging instrumentation. We expect that the TSV technology will simplify the detector assembly and thus will enable significant cost and schedule savings in assembly of large area CdZnTe detectors.


  • Introduction and MotivationThe discovery and study of the most energetic transient astrophysics phenomena include gamma-ray bursts of both long and short duration, outbursts from supermassive black holes in galactic nuclei, black hole and neutron star mergers discovered as gravitational wave outbursts, flaring outbursts from black hole and neutron star x-ray binaries, and extreme flares from single M-dwarf stars

  • We presented the first successful proof of concept for through silicon vias (TSV) to replace wire bonds for readout and control of Application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs) bonded to CZT imaging detectors

  • The current design of our CZT detector assembly employs a set of field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) and complex programmable logic devices to control and readout the NuASICs

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Introduction and Motivation

The discovery and study of the most energetic transient astrophysics phenomena (in order of decreasing luminosity) include gamma-ray bursts of both long and short duration, outbursts from supermassive black holes ( blazars) in galactic nuclei, black hole and neutron star mergers discovered as gravitational wave outbursts, flaring outbursts from black hole and neutron star x-ray binaries, and extreme flares from single M-dwarf stars. HREXI groups CZT-NuASICs into a 2 × 2 close-tiled detector crystal array (DCA) that is read out and individually controlled as a single unit. Unlike NuSTAR, HREXI allows DCAs themselves to be close-tiled into arbitrarily large area detector arrays for large area coded aperture imaging with the wide field and sensitivity needed for the discovery and study of the energetic transients listed above. What is needed to make HREXI-based missions feasible is a technology to enable high-yield fabrication and assembly of a large area array of high-resolution CZT detectors for multiple wide-field telescopes at relatively low cost. Protecting wire bonds through potting or similar methods can invite additional electronics noise Their presence introduces a significant gap between CZT detectors, making it difficult to closely tile the detectors into a large array.

Implementing Back-Side Blind-TSVs on NuASIC Wafers
Performance of NuSTAR ASIC with Back-Side Blind-TSVs
Front-Side Through-TSVs and Their Performance
Summary and Detector Assembly with TSVs
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