
Elevated temperatures induced the synthesis of several new proteins in Drosophila melanogaster cells. Besides the conventional heat shock (HS) proteins, another set of temperature-induced proteins has been found. These latter resemble the prompt HS proteins of mammalian cells. The prompt HS proteins of Drosophila differ from the well-known conventional HS proteins in the following properties: (1) synthesis of the prompt HS proteins is insensitive to the transcription inhibitor actinomycin D, which blocks the appearance of conventional HS proteins; (2) induction of the prompt HS proteins requires a significantly higher temperature than conventional HS proteins; (3) prompt HS proteins associate strictly with the nuclear matrix-intermediate filament complex (NM-IF), while the conventional HS proteins are found in all subcellular fractions; (4) prompt HS proteins of Drosophila are induced by high temperature alone while the conventional HS proteins are also produced by a variety of stress conditions. Resinless-section electron micrographs show an altered nuclear matrix morphology in heat-shocked cells. The nuclear matrix fibers are altered in spatial distribution and have much additional electron-dense material. This added material probably reflects the soluble proteins shifted into the nuclear matrix at high temperature. The prompt HS proteins can be distinguished clearly from heat-shifted proteins by several criteria. Also, the prompt HS proteins are distinct from the heat-insensitive viral proteins of a persistent virus (HPS-1).

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