
Abstract On November 26, 1934, approximately three weeks after the congressional elections in the United States, William Randolph Hearst alerted the editors of his various publications to a growing threat to American democracy. Without question, the Communist Party was the real menace facing the nation. “Today;’ he asserted, it “is largely composed of agitators with the greed for power, position, and property, but without the competence to acquire them except by criminal violence, and certainly without the ability or the will to exercise them for the general benefit:’ During his summer tour of Europe Hearst had noted that fascist movements in Italy and Germany, headed by Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hider, had acquired power because of their opposition to communism. “We do not want to have to resort to a Fascist movement in order to pre vent such misgovernment;’ he announced. Hence, “let us realize that there is no danger of Fascism as long as there is NO DANGER OF COMMUNISM:’

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