
The article concisely describes the situation that is unfavourable and dangerous to our children: they are racketed, beaten and abused. They live in the state of permanent stress due to home, friends, assessment and interrelations – due to all life that befalls them. Therefore, the project „ECO–DOH: Animate World and I“ aims that during the most receptive age of their life children are surrounded by the beauty of animate nature, learn to feel its impact, communicate with it and love it. The world ecological education experience and our own long lasting pedagogical experience enabled us to perceive the essential requirement of the current period: to ecologize the man’s life. Therefore, the main idea of the project is to teach to live in harmony with the world of nature, to promote respect to life – to its any manifestation. The motto of the project activity is to teach to live permanently seeking improvement, to prioritize human and spiritual and not material values. Interrelations have to be based on the following rule: behave with others the way you would like others to behave with you. Considering the modern life reality and the principles of humanistic pedagogy and psychology, project activities become directed to the orientated strategy of individual ecological activeness. This means that the main idea of the activities of the project “ECO–DOH: Animate World and I” (project is being implemented since 1998) is treated in the new way: the project centres on learning to live in harmony with the world of nature, including animate nature. It is expected that the project philosophy based on close contact with nature will provide its members with vitality, high level of physical, psychological and spiritual health. Key words: non-formal education, educational project, interaction of a man and nature, harmony, animate world, development of respect to life.

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