
In the field of engineering, high drop-out rates in the tertiary sector are very common due to the interaction of different social, educational and administrative factors. To counteract increasing drop-out rates or changes in study paths in medical engineering at the University of Furtwangen, we launched the educational program ProMEB (Project-oriented, Bachelor degree course Medical Engineering) in 2012 combining the regular engineering studies with projects from industry. ProMEB utilizes modified elements of problem-based learning (PBL) including working in small groups of students on current problems from industry to improve problem-solving skills and to enhance the retention of knowledge. The opportunity to apply theoretical learning contents of engineering studies on a realistic industrial project eases the process of learning and understanding, thereby enhancing the students' motivation. The students participating ProMEB were divided into groups according their academic performance. Project assignment was done conforming to students' interest on project subjects. The way of learning and working of the students was self-directed but guided and supported by professional employees by providing problem descriptions and subject literature. The willingness of the students to participate in ProMEB was insufficient which requires further measures to encourage the students to join the program, prospectively. Major differences in group functioning were not observable in this early stage of the program. Since the participants' feedback was solely positive, we are going to maintain the strategy of ProMEB but modify and add some elements like an increased involvement of the cooperating companies in the supervision of the students to improve the future outcome of the program.

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