
White matter impairment is associated with opioid dependence. However, the specific neuropathology related to opioid dependence is still not fully understood. The main aims of this study were to: (1) assess the association between white matter impairment and duration of dependence; (2) examine whether this impairment correlates with treatment outcome measures in opioid-dependent patients post-detoxification. Fifty-eight opioid-dependent patients participated, 20 females and 38 males, across three groups: less than 10 years use (n = 18), 10-15 years use (n = 26) and 16-25+ years use (n = 14). Diffusion tensor imaging was used to assess white matter impairment; whole brain voxel-wise analysis of fractional anisotropy, mean diffusivity (MD), axial diffusivity (AD) and radial diffusivity (RD) were performed by Tract-Based-Spatial-Statistics to pinpoint abnormalities in white matter. The longer the subjects were dependent on opioids, the more widespread and severely the white-matter integrity was disrupted. A general linear model was used to examine patients who relapsed compared to those who were abstinent at follow-up. No statistical difference was found between groups (p > 0.05). Partial correlations were performed to investigate the relationship between clinical outcome measures (physical health, psychological well being and quality of life and hope for the future) and white-matter microstructural differences. Significant correlations were found between AD in the posterior corona radiata (L) and MD in the superior longitudinal fasciculus and a clinical measure for HOPE at 9-month follow-up. Nevertheless, it must be noted that the calculation of numerous correlations raises the possibility of a type I error, namely; to incorrectly conclude the occurrence of a significant correlation. The ability to investigate the structure-clinical relationship may improve our understanding of the pathological abnormalities associated with opioid dependence and has promise for use in evaluating future therapeutic outcomes in this population.

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