
In the ILC project the required accelerating gradient is higher than 30 MeV/m. For current technology the maximum acceleration gradient in SC structures is determined mainly by the value of the surface RF magnetic field. In order to increase the gradient, the RF magnetic field is distributed homogeneously over the cavity surface (low-loss structure), and coupling to the beam is improved by introducing aperture noses (reentrant structure). These features allow gradients in excess of 50 MeV/m to be obtained for a singe-cell cavity. Further improvement of the coupling to the beam may be achieved by using a TW SC structure with small phase advance per cell. We have demonstrated that an additional gradient increase by up to 46% may be possible if a pi/2 TW SC structure is employed. However, a TW SC structure requires a SC feedback waveguide to return the few GW of circulating RF power from the structure output back to the structure input. The test cavity with the feedback is designed to demonstrate the possibility of achieving a significantly higher gradient than existing SC structures.

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