
There is a general consensus on the recommendation of applying breast cancer screening programs to the population. In March 1990, the Health Department set in motion a Program for the Early Detection of Breast Cancer, with the aim of reducing mortality due to this tumour. At present, the program is reaching the end of its seventh round. The present study aims to analyze the results obtained, describing the principal indicators of the process and the impact predictions according to the most determinant factors. Data was collected for the screening explorations carried out from the start of the program up until December 31st 2002; the data was classified according to age at the time of exploration, type of exploration and round. During the period, 354,575 explorations were carried out. Process indicators: an additional exploration was recommended for 11.22% of the women. Naught point sixty seven percent (0.67%) of the women were sent to hospital units for a diagnostic evaluation. A malignant tumour was confirmed in 0.34% of the women subjected to exploration. It was recommended that 8.37% of the women should carry out an intermediate exploration before the next call from the screening program. Predictive impact indicators: global recruitment was 88.68%; global participation 87.91%; and adherence to the program was 96.32%. The rate of detection reached the figure of 3.95 per 1,000 women explored. Of the tumours detected: 19.17% were intraductal and 37.23% of the invasive tumours had a size equal to or below 10mm. Seventy-four point eighty nine percent (74.89%) of total tumours did not show ganglionary invasion. Considering the references established by the European Union for screening programs, all of the calculated predictive indicators exceed the required standards.

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