
Abstract Objective: The EX-PRESS device is a surgical alternative for the treatment of POAG. To describe the IOP behavior before and after the implantation of the EX-PRESS, the pharmacological treatment used in the pre and postoperative period and the complications in the first year of the postoperative period. Methods: A quantitative descriptive study with review of electronic medical records of a private ophthalmological reference hospital in Goiânia (GO) from 2013 to 2018. Sample composed of 8 eyes with POAG subjected to the EX-PRESS implant. We observed the variables: gender, age, operated eye, antiglaucomatous medications used, pre and postoperative intraocular pressure, and possible complications. Results: In the preoperative period, all eyes used antiglaucomatous drops, 75% used 3 or more different classes simultaneously. After 12 months of EX-PRESS, only 12.5% used three or more eye drops and 37.5% did not use any eye drops. On average, IOP varied from 18.63mmHg (SD 9.38) in the preoperative period to 14.50mmHg (SD 4.14) at 12 months postoperatively. Complications were: ocular hypotension, ocular hypertension; thinning of the conjunctival blister, cystic blister obstruction of the EX-PRESS. We resolved all coplications. Conclusion: The efficacy of EX-PRESS in IOP reduction was verified in the study. Concomitantly, there was a considerable decrease in anti-glaucomatous medications, and few associated complications.

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