
Each individual can think critically in solving problems according to the differences in their adversity quotient and learning style. This study aims to describe the critical thinking profile of mathematics students who have visual, auditory, kinesthetic learning styles and adversity quotient climbers in solving geometry problems. This research is a descriptive study using a qualitative approach. The research subjects were students of mathematics education at the University of Flores. The instruments in this study were the researchers themselves, adversity quotient questionnaires, learning style questionnaires, and Problem Solving Tests. The results obtained are that 1) Subjects with visual learning style and adversity quotient climbers in solving problems can understand the problems at hand, can plan and can carry out the completion process well, and re-examine the work. 2) Subjects with auditory learning style and adversity quotient climbers can understand the problem given, do not plan so that the implementation is not detailed, re-examine the work. 3) Subjects with kinesthetic learning style and adversity quotient climbers can understand the problem, plan but the subject solves it directly, does not re-examine what has been done. It was concluded that each individual has a different way of understanding and solving problems.


  • Reformasi pendidikan matematika tengah berlangsung di berbagai belhan dunia, termasuk Indonesia, dengan diwarnai diterapkannya pembelajaran yang berorientasi pada kemampuan berpikir tingkat tinggi atau sering disebut high order thinking skill (HOTS) (Sumaryanta, 2018)

  • Each individual can think critically in solving problems according to the differences in their adversity quotient and learning style

  • This study aims to describe the critical thinking profile of mathematics students who have visual, auditory, kinesthetic learning styles and adversity quotient climbers in solving geometry problems

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Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, (Molleong, 2010). Selanjutnya 13 orang mahasiswa akan diberikan angket adversity quotient (AQ), hasil angket akan dianalisis sesuai dengan tipe adversity quotient yakni: 1) quiters, 2) campers, 3) climbers, dalam penelitian ini peneliti hanya mengambil mahasiswa yang memiliki tipe adversity quotient climbers. Apabila dari 30 pernyataan yang diberikan mahasiswa menjawab lebih dari 15 jawaban B, maka mahasiswa tersebut memiliki auditory learning style. Instrumen pendukung dalam penelitian ini adalah angket adversity qutient (AQ), angket learning style dan Tes Pemecahan Masalah (TPM). Prosedur yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini dimulai dengan pemberian instrumen adversity quotient, kemudian learning style, setelah itu pemberian Tes Pemecahan Masalah (TPM). Berdasarkan data hasil TPM tersebut kemudian dilakukan wawancara terhadap subjek guna mengetahui proses berpikir kritis siswa sesuai dengan adversity qutient dan learning style yang dimiliki oleh setiap subjek.

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