
The article deals with the conditions of future foreign language teachers' training. The author clarifies the concept of system-activity approach, substantiates its importance in the academic process. It is revealed that the system-activity approach makes the process of future foreign language teachers' training more integral, scientifically oriented and systematic. A competent responsible specialist, able to meet the demands of the time, can only be prepared in an open educational system. The reason for this is because the open system constantly interacts with the environment, its source of existence lies beyond its borders. It is stated in the article that the activity approach in the process of future teachers' training allows to direct students to independence in learning; to teach them to effectively organize their activity; to set the goal and achieve its realization; to be able to apply analysis and synthesis not only for carrying an individual research, but for using them while solving practical tasks, evaluating the results of their activities. The author also analyzes the impact of interactive methods on the effectiveness of learning. Interactive learning is viewed both as the process of collective cognition, where knowledge is acquired as a result of collaborative activities, and as the use of the latest information technologies in the academic process. The application of a number of interactive technologies is described, such as the technologies of cooperative and collective-group learning, situational modeling and processing of discussion questions, as well as informational and communication technologies. It is proved that system-activity approach to training future teachers by means of interactive technologies helps increase the level of students' motivation and creates favorable conditions for mastering their future professional skills.

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