
Changes in rainfall are one of the causes of declining production in cocoa plants and cause land degradation, thus reducing national cocoa productivity. This study aims to analyze the productivity of various clones of cocoa plants at different rainfall levels so that the relationship between production levels and cocoa productivity at different rainfall levels is known. This study used the observation method. Data collection was done by random sampling in farmers' farms by determining the appropriate sample plants. The sample plants used came from three different clones, namely MCC Clone 01 (M01), MCC Clone 02 (45), and Sulawesi Clone 1 (S1) which were 13 years after planting and still productive. Rainfall data was obtained from available data at the BMKG of South Sulawesi Province. Data analysis was conducted to determine the productivity comparison of three cocoa clones at different rainfall levels. The results showed that: 1) Different rainfall levels affect the productivity of various cocoa clones in Tettikenrarae Village, Soppeng Regency. This can be seen in the parameters of number of seeds and weight of seeds, with productivity respectively for clone MCC 02 amounting to 4350.66 kg, clone S1 4326.78 kg, and clone MCC 01 with a production of 3863.29 kg. 2) Productivity of cocoa clones in Tettikenrarae Village, Soppeng Regency is best in moderate rainfall conditions, where clone MCC 02 has the highest productivity of 1820.47 kg which occurs in rainfall of 100 - 300 mm.

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