
The Republic of Altai has a large length of watercourses and significant areas of lakes of fishery importance. The collection of materials was carried out in the field season of 2018 on the lakes: Uch-Kol (Three Lakes), Kamyshevoye and Lake without a name, located within the borders of Kosh-Agach district of the Altai Republic. Research has covered the entire water area. In the course of the research it was noted that Lake Uch-Kol consists of three successive basins with a total area of 7.9 hectares. The upper lake basin has an area of 5.5 hectares. The average lake basin has an area of 1.8 hectares. The lower lake basin has an area of 0.6 ha. Higher aquatic vegetation in the pond is missing. Lake zooplankton is represented by one species of Cladocera and two species of Copepoda. Lake Zoobenthos Uch-Kol is represented by a representative of the r. Gammarus. The area of Kamyshevoye Lake is 7.4 ha. The pond has a slightly elongated shape from west to east. In the zooplankton of the reservoir of mass development, branchy and rotifers reach. Chironomid larvae and caddisfruits dominate in the structure of zoobenthos. The area of the lake without a name is 29.4 hectares. The reservoir has a form elongated from the northeast to the southwest. In terms of numbers and biomass, Copepoda copepads are the dominant group in zooplankton. The dominant position in the zoobenthos composition is occupied by caddis flies and gammarids. All studied water bodies have low biological productivity. Phytoplankton is represented mainly by diatoms and green algae. The ichthyological fauna of Lake Uch-Kol and Lake Kamyshevoye is represented by an oligoid type of ichthyocenosis. The ichthyological fauna in the Lake without a name is missing.


  • Республика Алтай располагает большой протяжённостью водотоков и значительными площадями озёр, имеющих рыбохозяйственное значение

  • The Republic of Altai has a large length of watercourses

  • In the course of the research it was noted that Lake Uch-Kol consists of

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Рациональное природопользование Rational nature management

Ключевые слова: фитопланктон, зоопланктон, ихтиофауна, мониторинг, экосистема. На озерах Уч-Кол (Три Озера), Камышевое и озере без названия, расположенных в границах Кош-Агачского района Республики Алтай. Верхняя котловина озера имеет площадь 5,5 га, средняя – 1,8, нижняя – 0,6 га. Зоопланктон озера представлен одним видом Cladocera и двумя видами Copepoda. Водоем имеет немного вытянутую с запада на восток форму. Площадь озера без названия составляет 29,4 га. Водоем имеет вытянутую с северо-востока на юго-запад форму. O. Ronzhina, Candidate of Biological Sciences N.

Copepoda численность
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