
Despite the growing need to produce energy crops, information on comprehensive feasibility of growing short-rotation woody crops (SRWCs) on non-contentious and less-utilized lands and lands transitioning from previous uses in the southeastern USA is limited. An assessment model (SRWC-PEAM) was developed and tested for assessing the feasibility of SRWCs on lands targeted for ecosystem-service enhancements based on land conditions, species, and stand and economic variables in the southeastern USA. Productivity and economic returns of sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua L.), sycamore (Platanus occidentalis L.), and poplar (Populus) stand differed due to land types, species’ adaptability and biomass potential, and optimal land-type-based management schemes. Poplar stands had the greatest biomass and the highest returns on all land types although returns from the three species on most land types were poor using current reported regional delivered prices. Irrigating stands increased yields but returns were poorer than from non-irrigated stands due to high costs of irrigation. Longer rotations resulted in greater biomass and returns and were more crucial for irrigated stands. Significantly higher feedstock prices and productivities are requisite for SRWC viability in the southeastern USA. SRWC-PEAM is a web-based tool and can accommodate other SRWC species and assessment of environmental services associated with SRWCs.

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