
Lactic acid is a chemical compound that plays a role in various biochemical processes and also widely used in the food, cosmetic, pharmaceutical, and chemical industries. The aim of this study was to establish a process of lactic acid (LA) production from organic banana peel waste using lactic acid bacteria isolated and growth in MRS media at 37ºC for 24 h from milk product. The results indicate that lactic acid production using lactic acid bacteria are identified as Gram-positive, non-spore forming rods, catalase-negative, usually nonmotile. There was significant pH difference from 5.64 to 3.92 in the fermentation production medium containing banana waste peel + inoculum and 5.64 to 3.89 in the medium containing banana waste peel extract + inoculum + malt extract during the course of time from 0 hours to 96 hours when compared to control containing only banana waste peel without inoculum. There was dramatic increase in the percentage of crude lactic acid production was similar along with change in pH from ranging from 6.14 to 6.71 before decolorization without activated charcoal and 7.31 to 7.53 after decolorization with activated charcoal for fermentation production medium during the course of 24 to 96 hours. Similarly, the percentage of crude lactic acid production increases ranging from 6.73 to 6.98 before decolorization without activated charcoal and 7.79 to 7.96 after decolorization with activated charcoal for fermentation production medium containing banana waste peel + Malt extract and inoculum from 0 to 96 hours. This may due to the high rate of consumption of starch compounds to lactic acid with the help of lactic acid bacteria.

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