
The high viscous crude oil for Shuguang No. 1 zone of Liaohe oilfield has the characteristics of high density (ρ20 = 0.9977 g.cm−3), high viscidity (ν100 = 1,223.9 mm2.s−1), and high solidifying point (SP = 48°C), which belongs to low sulfur naphthene-base crude oil. The comprehensive evaluations indicate that this oil has no gasoline fraction and the diesel oil is only 7.19%. In addition, the lubricating oil distillate is not suited to produce lubricating oil and heavy oil is not good feedstock for catalytic cracking. However, the low wax and high resin, as well as asphaltene content, make it an ideal raw material for producing paving asphalt. The vacuum residue of this crude acted as base oil and three kinds of waste oil with high aromatics and low wax content were selected as blenders. Various brands of high-grade paving asphalts meeting GB/T15180-94 (China) specification were produced by blending method. The blending effects were investigated and corresponding mathematics models were set up.

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