
High-density nitrogen plasma was produced using a high-power pulsed power modulator to sputter titanium targets for the preparation of titanium nitride film. The high-power pulsed sputtering discharge unit consisted of two targets facing each other with the same electrical potential. The titanium target plates were used as target materials with dimensions of 60 mm length, 20 mm height, and 5 mm thickness. The gap length was set to be 10 mm. The magnetic field was created with a permanent magnet array behind the targets. The magnetic field strength at the gap between the target plates was 70 mT. The electrons were trapped by the magnetic and electric fields to enhance the ionization in the gap. The nitrogen and argon gases were injected into the chamber with 4 Pa gas pressure. The applied voltage to the target plates had an amplitude from −600 V to −1000 V with 600 μs in pulse width. The target current was approximately 10 A with the consumed power of 13 kW. The discharge sustaining voltage was almost constant and independent of the applied voltage, in the same manner as the conventional normal glow discharge. The ion density and electron temperature at the surface of the ionization region were obtained as 1.7 × 1019 m−3 and 3.4 eV, respectively, by the double probe measurements. The vertical distribution of ion density and electron temperature ranged from 1.1 × 1017 m−3 (at 6 cm from the target edge) to 1.7 × 1019 m−3 and from 2.4 eV (at 6 cm from the target edge) to 3.4 eV, respectively. From the emission spectra, the intensities of titanium atoms (Ti I), titanium ions (Ti II), and nitrogen ions (N2+) increased with increasing input power. However, the intensities ratio of Ti II to Ti I was not affected by the intensities from N2+.

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