
In this study, Simarouba Glauca (simarouba), Madhuca Indica (mahua), and waste cooking oils were used to produce their methyl esters. The acid value of these oils was determined by titration and was found to be 12.49 mg KOH/g for simarouba oil, 22.87 mg KOH/g for mahua oil and 1.81 mg KOH/g for waste cooking oil. Biodiesel production process consists of two-steps: acid esterification (Step-1) and alkaline transesterification (Step-2). A two-step transesterification for simarouba and mahua; and a single-step (Step-2) for waste cooking oil were used to convert the oils to their ester. The parameters affecting the transesterification process for these different oils were optimized in order to achieve maximum ester yield. This process gives yields of about 95.14% for simarouba, 94.21% for mahua, and 96.31% for waste cooking oil using sodium methoxide as a catalyst. Density, viscosity, flash point, carbon residue, copper strip corrosion, acid value and calorific value of the produced methyl esters were determined and found to be within the limits of ASTM D6751 and IS 15607 specifications.

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