
The aim of this study was to determine the effect of three foliar fertilizers (Epso Salt, Megagreen and Drin) and control treatment (with no foliar fertilizer) on the chlorophyll content index, tuber size and yield of potato crop grown under water stress conditions. The experiment was conducted during three growing seasons (2005, 2006 and 2007) in the greenhouse using variety 'Courage' and arranged in a split-plot design with three replications. Foliar fertilization was carried out five times during vegetation in the period from the start of tuber formation to the stage of full tuberization. Water stress was induced at the full tuberization growth stage. There was no significant difference in chlorophyll content index in potato leaf influenced by foliar fertilizers between water stress conditions and optimum water supply. However, tuber yield was significantly reduced by an average of 15 % under water stress conditions. In addition, water stress resulted in a significantly higher number of 0-25 mm size tubers, but lower number of 50-75 mm size tubers. Foliar application of Epso Salt brought about similar tuber yields under conditions of water stress and optimum water supply. In contrast, Megagreen, Drin and control treatment achieved significantly higher tuber yield under optimum water supply when compared to water stress conditions.

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