
The problem of improving the methodological training of undergraduates (training area – 44.04.01 Pedagogical education, focus – “Geographical education”), is relevant at the present stage of multi-level pedagogical education development. The relevance is determined by the existing contradiction between the fact that master’s programs are a further continuation of the education of bachelors – future teachers of geography, on the one hand, and on the other hand, any person with a higher education can enroll in a master’s program in this area. Therefore, in one group of undergraduates, specialists and students who are fully prepared in terms of subject and methodological training, who do not have a basic geographical, and, most importantly, pedagogical education, study. Based on this, for some undergraduates, the process of actual improvement of methodological readiness for professional activity is carried out, and for the rest, this mechanism of professional development is just beginning. This article discusses attempts to resolve the indicated contradiction, to determine ways to solve the problem by designing a system of methodological training, consisting of a number of disciplines, each of which forms a number of competencies, both universal and general professional and professional, which are particularly important. This system is distinguished by a variety of organizational forms and teaching methods; special attention is paid to modern technological approaches, such as modular, project-based learning, rating assessment of control and evaluation of learning outcomes. All this, taken together, makes it possible not only to carry out the process of leveling the level of training of all undergraduates, but also to raise it to a higher level. The research methods comprised a theoretical and empirical complex – a system – structural analysis, a comparison of educational and regulatory documentation and scientific and pedagogical literature on the problem of multi-level methodological training of students in the direction of Pedagogical education, long-term supervision of students in classroom and extracurricular activities.

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